Applications for Summer 2025 Programs are Open!

International programs for ages 11-17 in 2025:

  • CISV Village: Delegation of four 11 year old participants with a 21+ year old leader.
  • CISV Youth Meeting: Delegation of four 12 and 13 year old participants with one 21+ year old leader.
  • CISV Step Up: Delegation of four 14 year old participants with one 21+ year old leader.
  • One CISV Junior Counsellor (JC): A 16 or 17-year old as a Junior counsellor at a Village Programme (for 11-year-olds).
  • CISV Seminar Camps (multiple locations). Seminar camps are open to 16-17 year old participants.


Apply for a CISV Program

Your CISV experience starts by joining our local chapter and submitting an application to the program of your choice. There are some variations from program to program, but most follow this  process:

Step 1: Join CISV Ottawa

You must be a member of CISV Ottawa to apply for a national or international program. Members can also attend our local events and mini-camps, and get involved with our Board of Directors and Junior Branch Executive. Our membership fees keep this mighty organization going!

Step 2: Learn about this year’s program opportunities

Each year we find out which programs will be offered at our CISV National Board Meeting (NBM) in November. We encourage interested families to come out to one of our Information Session (November 17, 2024), where we introduce prospective members to CISV, explain the selection process, and announce the various programs we’ll be participating in for the following year. After Information Day, you have several weeks to ask questions and think about whether you want to apply for a program.

Before applying, spend some time discussing the goals of CISV with your child so that they have an idea of what we’re all about. Parents of prospective delegates are encouraged to familiarize themselves with costs and the important roles they play before a delegation travels. Parents help us make it all possible by fully committing to delegation meetings, as well as a range of other events hosted by the Chapter.

Step 3: Submit your application

Complete the Participant Application Form if you are applying to Village, Step Up, Youth Meeting, Junior Counsellor and Seminar Camp.

Seminar Camp applications are organized at the national level.

Junior Counsellors and Leaders must complete the Leader Application Form

For any questions please contact


Village, age 11 years, duration 4 weeks

Location: Calgary, Canada
Camp Dates: July 4th to 31st (28 days)

No Events

Youth Meeting

Youth Meeting, age 12-13 years, duration 15 days

Location: Brasilia, Brazil
Camp Dates: July 17 - August 12 (15 days)

No Events

Step Up

Step Up, age 14 or 15 years, duration 3 weeks

Location: Munich, Germany
Camp Dates: Aug 8th to 30th (23 days)

No Events

Junior Counsellor

Village JC, age 16-17 years, duration 4 weeks

Location: Helsingborg, Sweden
Camp Dates: June 28th to July 25th (28 days)
(Male, 16-17 year olds)

No Events
No Events