In CISV, peace education and training are not limited to our international programs. A lot of local and national activities are also taking place. They are entirely geared to our principles.
“Mosaic” is an internationally supervised program based on the CISV topics and our goals in the local area of a chapters, dealing with a social theme – often in cooperation with a similar organization. In addition, there are regular events within Junior Branch and afternoon events for young or new CISVers (Cookie-a-thon, Silly Chilli, Movie Nights); we organize weekend mini-camps and invite parents and donors to informative events.
The activities in CISV are fun, create friendships and deal with current social, cultural, social issues – the active debate is a major bonus of our youth organization, which contributes to the personal development of young people. Why do we get together? To get to know others, to exchange experience, to do CISV activities and thus give your leisure time some purpose.
What? When? Where?
National Camp
A 1-week program for youth ages 11-17. It will be held in Montreal on July 19-26 2025 and selection is done at the Hosting Chapter (Montreal) level. Each chapter is able to send 4+ participants! Please apply here: Application Form
The deadline to apply is February 1st