About us
CISV Overview
CISV educates and inspires action for a more just and peaceful world.
Peace Education
We want to inspire people to become fully active members of a peaceful society.
CISV Structure
CISV is active in 70 countries and more than 200 cities worldwide. Together we want a peaceful future for all people. On our interactive world map you will find all CISV countries.
Local CISV Ottawa Chapter Team
Get to know the people who act for CISV purposes close to you.
Content Areas
At CISV, experience is based on four so-called content areas.
Click here to learn more ...
Looking for even more information. We've included some links to more information material, forms, etc....
Feel free to download according to your needs.
Program Offerings
CISV offers international and local programs and activities for all ages..
International Programs
We provide opportunities for youth to participate in international programs around the world. From the age of 11 years up to 99, there is so much to experience!
Local and National Programs and Events
Close to you, you can experience CISV in many ways:
from single events to weekend minicamps and regular monthly meetings.
Current International Programs
A list of invitations for the current year. Are there any programs you are interested in?
Services and Costs
What does it cost?
Which services can be expected?
Would you like to know what other people have experienced with CISV? Participants and parents have summarized their impressions for you.
Junior Branch
The Junior Branch (JB) is structured in three levels: local, national and international.
JB Events and Meetings
You are 10 or older? Come to our JB events - we spend our leisure time meaningful and have a lot of fun at the same time!
JB Team
The local team and the local board are responsible for the activities of the Junior Branch.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Join us
Become a CISV Leader
If you feel joy and enthusiasm in working with and for children and want to make new friends around the world, this is what you want to do.
Become Host Family
We are looking for host families that will give children and teenagers from many nations attending our locally hosted camps a home for a weekend.
Become a Chapter Member
Join as a family or an individual today! You are always welcome.
Calendar of Meetings and Events
CISV experiences are fun and exciting.
Come to one of our upcoming meetings or events
and get to know us.
Support Us
As a non-profit organization, we ask you for your time, money or gifts in kind for more peace and friendship in the world.